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+200 000

Solar panels have been installed


employees EnergyCommitmentists

+70 000 000 kWh

our customers produce annually

+26 000 ton

reduced CO2 emissions annually

Our vision

Vi vill få fler välja solenergi genom att visa på att det är en god investering för både plånbok och miljö.

Varje projekt är unikt och vi gör ett gediget projekteringsarbete och tar fram ett förtroendeingivande beslutsunderlag.

Vi utvärderar regelbundet teknik och marknad för att kunna erbjuda de produkter och tjänster som ger bäst ekonomisk avkastning över tid.

Våra solcellsinstallationer baseras på genomarbetade processer och håller högsta möjliga kvalitet i alla led. Något som gett oss ett gott rykte på marknaden både hos kunder och i branschen.

Våra tjänster

We offer comprehensive solutions in solar power and energy storage for agriculture, property owners, apartment buildings and industries. Always with the aim of providing the best possible return over time.

Övriga tjänster


Sweden’s cheapest and fastest growing energy source. We have built some of the largest solar parks in Sweden. We are leading the way here.

Finansiering – sol som tjänst

We offer attractive financing solutions that allow you to get all the benefits of solar energy without having to make the initial investment.


Charge your car with solar power. With vehicle-to-grid technology, the electric car will not only be a means of transportation but also serve as energy storage.


With EnergiEngagemang’s service agreement, you can feel confident that your solar cell system is producing at its maximum, and we keep track of the production and are quickly on site if necessary.


Show off your solar installation even without forcing people onto the roof. We have developed our own visualization system for those customers who want to be able to show their solar electricity production publicly on screens in stores or on the website.


We always have our ear to the ground to stay at the forefront of solar energy. Through our webinars and knowledge bank, we enable our customers to continuously educate themselves.

With both feet on the ground

We are the personal and dedicated company that you can rely on before, during and after installation. With great consideration for both people and the environment, we ensure that you as a customer get a facility adapted to your needs and conditions.

Varför solenergi?

Solar energy is profitable

The payback is immediate in the form of lower electricity bills. Self-consumption of solar electricity means that you do not have to buy electricity and save on the cost of electricity, but also on the variable network charge and any energy tax. Many make a profit in the first year.

Solar energy is environmentally friendly

From a wider perspective, solar power producers are part of a global movement where microgeneration is part of a sustainable society with a clear vision for the future. At the same time, solar energy is the cheapest and fastest to build.

Solar energy makes you independent

With solar panels on the roof, you will always have access to locally produced electricity and can feel independent of the electricity companies’ electricity price increases in the future. At the same time, battery and charging solutions are constantly being developed for those who want to supplement their systems.

Solar references

Want to see more of what we have done in the past? Here are some of the facilities we have built and commissioned.

Our solar parks

We are building large-scale solar parks to increase the share of fossil-free electricity and strengthen the Swedish grid. Read more about our ongoing projects here.


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