What are the parties’ positions on solar energy?

Do you already know how to vote in the autumn elections? For many it may be a matter of course, for others not at all. We have taken a closer look at how the different parties stand on the energy issue, specifically solar energy, and how their policies would affect all solar farmers.

To begin with, the current global electricity crisis has made the energy issue more relevant than ever. Regardless of which energy source the parties are pushing hardest for, everyone agrees that we need more electricity, and fast. This, of course, has benefited solar energy, which is a power source that is both fossil-free and quick to build. All parties except the Sweden Democrats have expressed their support for solar energy. However, the Center Party stands out most in the solar issue through several concrete proposals that would facilitate and create incentives for the expansion of solar cell installations on both a large and small scale.
– We want everyone, regardless of the type of housing, to be able to become a solar producer. says Annie Lööf.

What do the different parties say in their party programs?

Social Democrats

Wants a 100% renewable electricity system by 2040 and net zero emissions by 2045. This will be done through continued expansion of renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy storage and increased flexibility in electricity production, which will ensure that the right conditions are in place for a gradual phasing out of nuclear power, while maintaining a secure electricity supply. Encourages more solar panels and wants to simplify the development of wind power.


Want new, efficient nuclear power to maintain a stable power base in the future. Wants to keep existing nuclear power plants and build new ones on both a large and small scale. Are positive about solar energy and see it as an important complement in the future.

Center Party

Is very much in favor of solar energy and wants to increase the share of solar energy in the system by introducing several concrete proposals and incentives for both individuals and companies. For example, they want to abolish the energy tax for those who used their own solar energy and make it easier to become a co-owner of a photovoltaic installation. In addition, they want to make it easier for individuals to sell their surplus energy to neighbours and to install wiring so that solar power can be easily shared.

The Center Party wants a national strategy for more solar power. The goal for the coming mandate period is to increase solar power from the current 1 TWh to 15 TWh, which corresponds to just over ten percent of Sweden’s current electricity consumption. By 2030, C estimates that production could increase to 30 TWh.

– With the right efforts, we can have a solar power boom in Sweden, where in just a few years we can have ten percent of Sweden’s entire electricity consumption consisting of solar energy,” says Annie Lööf.


Wants to focus on fossil-free energy sources, especially nuclear, wind and solar that can produce electricity. Biofuels will also be important. The Liberals believe that nuclear power has a special status as they consider it to be the only fossil-free energy source that can be expanded on a large scale and that can be planned. They want to remove the barriers to building new nuclear power. Solar energy is one of the power sources that can be developed on a large scale. This makes it an important tool for climate action. They are in favor of solar energy as it can be expanded almost indefinitely. It has fallen in price and can be built close to consumers, partly changing the design of the power system. Energy produced by households for their own use is not taxed under them.

The Green Party

Will invest heavily in expanding renewable energy production, especially wind power. The Green Party wants us to save energy and wants to introduce a law on energy efficiency where the state sets targets that energy companies are obliged to achieve. They want to pay a share of the energy savings made by households. This includes providing financial support to individual households, but also creating a government energy saving loan for the renovation of apartment buildings. They want to change the ROT deduction to support renovations and other measures that lead to energy efficiency, renewable energy production or reduced resource consumption.

Sweden Democrats

Focuses on increasing the amount of nuclear power and wants to permanently reduce energy taxes. Wants to safeguard the municipal veto on the establishment of wind power. Says nothing about solar energy.

The left

The Left Party wants to see a strong expansion of both onshore and offshore wind power throughout the country. They also want to see, for example, investment in renewable electricity production at local level and support for public buildings to install solar and wind power. The Left Party says no to nuclear power and wants to see nuclear power phased out as soon as possible.

Christian Democrats

KD has a strong focus on nuclear power and wants to extend the life of the existing reactors we have today and at the same time start the construction of new ones. Views renewable generation such as wind and solar as complementary to dispatchable generation.

Camilla Brodin of KD has previously spoken out on the energy issue during a visit to EnergiEngagemang.
– Regarding large-scale solar energy in the future, I take a positive view of it. We will need more electricity in the future, not less, if we are to meet the climate challenges. Then we will need more of all fossil-free electricity generation. We should be proud of the energy mix we have in Sweden today, where our basic power, such as hydro and nuclear power, is a must but needs to be supplemented by both solar and wind power.

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